Amerikonų požiūris į krizę
Autorius: Suprasti Ukrainą
2015-04-07 15:30:44, skaitė 3980, komentavo 1

- Key pipelines capable of transporting at least two or three wars’ worth of natural gas from Russia to Europe
- Rampant overfishing problem—let’s not forget about that
- You are here
- Place that Mark stopped by when he did study abroad two years ago. He didn’t stay too long, but if you’re looking for a hostel I’m sure he’d be happy to recommend one to you. He loved it there.
- Future site of memorial dedicated to hundreds of massacred Ukrainians
- Region that, in an ideal world—and we’re speaking totally hypothetically here—Putin would like to annex and control
- Arbitrary, haphazard line drawn in 1954 that will almost certainly cause the deaths of thousands
- Size of Texas
- Appleton, Ukraine: Largest ethnic Midwest population outside Wisconsin
- Dying embers of the Olympic spirit
- Location of most plentiful ukrainium reserves
- Besarabsky Market: This vibrant, tourist-friendly hub in Kiev is likely what most of the fighting is about
- Crimean city currently caught in crossfire between uninformed commenters on